When Moses Prayed, God Listened

Just as Moses' prayers altered the course of history, our prayers can bring about divine grace and change, demonstrating that God's compassion and patience are always within reach.

In the scriptures, Moses' powerful intercession before God illustrates the profound impact of sincere prayer. Despite the Israelites' rebellion and worship of the golden calf, Moses' heartfelt pleas moved God to show mercy and refrain from destroying His people. This account reminds us that prayer is a powerful tool; when we earnestly seek God's intervention, He listens. Just as Moses' prayers altered the course of history, our prayers can bring about divine grace and change, demonstrating that God's compassion and patience are always within reach through earnest supplication.

Recorded May 19th, 2024
Message by Pastor Tim Ward
Scripture: Exodus 32:7-14, Deuteronomy 9:22-29